

From the HANDLE® Institute comes a multiple award winning approach that has helped thousands of people worldwide to support themselves and their families so that they can achieve their potential.

Learning everyday things like walking, talking, writing, managing stress or staying attentive. 

By gently enhancing brain pathways, for just a few minutes every day, we can raise ability and effectiveness.

All behaviour has meaning.

Human behaviours are expressions of the functional organisation of the various parts of the body and especially of our nervous system and brain.  These systems and subsystems interact with one another dynamically.  When one system is stressed another system may reflect this, like eyestrain causing a headache.  Through careful analysis we can enhance systems and support their interaction to reduce symptomatic behaviours and create function from dysfunction.

A holistic approach, organising the brain through the body.

Using a systems approach to human functioning HANDLE has provided thousands of families around the world with resolution to seemingly hopeless conditions with all sorts of labels.  HANDLE applies sound principles of neuroscience to create programs that are holistic, developmentally sound and customized to individual need.

Natural and transformative, helping all people reach their potential, living life to the full.


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