
So glad you are here. Nechoma means COMFORT and that is first and foremost the purpose of this space.  To be a place to come to be NOURISHED and to FLOURISH.

I am passionate about wellbeing, especially for families and I believe that each person has the ability to make a difference in his/her life and also affect those around them.

I believe that while we cannot change everything we can through our actions make a big difference. 

I provide sessions with both individuals and groups to assist people in being comfortable in themselves and to support the mind, body and emotion connection.  Also to perceive and reach their dreams and to achieve a feeling of fulfillment.


I have been a teacher and youth worker for more than 20 years, with a particular interest in understanding how to reach out and connect to all students and cater to their individual needs within the group setting, and on transferring information within a positive perspective.

It was my task as a mother, however, and my quest to do this to the very best of my ability that has led me to explore areas that I never expected to encounter.  My motto through the challenges I faced was ‘what am I meant to learn from this, how will it benefit my family, how can I share what I have learnt?’

Everything that we experience in our lives is for a purpose, it is the life lesson that we are meant to explore to reach our next stage and empower us further.

I am a continuous student and I don’t intend to stop!  I have received a BSc (Hons) Psych (Open), training in Neurodevelopmental Therapy from the HANDLE® institute, life-coaching certificate and studies in nutrition, EFT and aromatherapy.  I bring a wide range of knowledge and practical experience to my practice in my aim to bring real quality to all I have the honour to reach.






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